+62 21 2128 3096/97 & +62 21 2128 3098


Better Integration Better Solution

Ogya Tekno Nusantara

  • Better Integration
  • Better Solution
  • Creative Innovative Intuitive

Delivering IT solutions in Indonesia, OGYA has been known to be one name that symbolizes innovation. We never stop innovating to deliver end-to-end IT solution from Custom Application and Software Design and Development, Business Integration Solution, Project Life Cycle Management, up to Training and Post-Implementation Supports


Why Choose Ogya Tekno Nusantara

Custom Software Development Services

We are considering the software development Competencies support all stages of the application life cycle from requirements through design, test and implementation. We are expert on delivery innovative business solutions to address the key goals of your organization. Our Division of Application Development has many experiences for developing application using Java, PHP,.net for Intranet/Internet Application including Mobile Application Development.

Middleware / Integration Services

Rapid deployment Competencies from OGYA can help you speed up time to value by providing an integrated solution for complex, multiproduct deployments. We help you manage complexities and realize new opportunities by integrating disparate systems into seamless process flows with a range or our middleware service.

Managed Services

We understand how significant it is for you to maintain and focus on your business operation. OGYA can help you in day-to-day management responsibility and function as a strategic method for improving IT operations. OGYA as a Manage Service Provider manages and assumes responsibility for providing a defined set of Competencies to its clients either proactively or as the MSP determines that Competencies are needed.

Data Warehouse Business Intelligence

We are capable in the area of Database Services including Backup Recovery, Maintenance, Tuning and Data Warehousing. Another expertise OGYA may bring to your organization is in Business Intelligence area. Business Intelligence technologies are capable of handling large amounts of unstructured data to help identify, develop and otherwise create new strategic business opportunities.


Project in Ogya Tekno Nusantara

Aplikasi DMS

PT. Alur Pelayaran Barat Surabaya (APBS)

  • Front End

    PHP 5

    Back End

    PHP API, Oracle 10g

  • Tools
  • Apache 2.4, MI, Bootstrap 4, Toad

Aplikasi DMS ini berfungsi untuk management project pengerukan dan reklamasi yang dilakukan oleh APBS. Aplikasi ini meliputi perencanaan project,penyusuanan timeline project, realisasi harian pengerukan, relaisasi biaya BBM & air serta pelaporan dan finance project. Dengan aplikasi ini pelaksanaan project dapat terencana dan terpantau dengan baik dan lebih efisien.

Aplikasi JENA

PT.Pelabuhan Indonesia III (PELINDO III) cabang Teluk Lamong

  • Front End

    PHP 5

    Back End

    Apache 2.4, MI, Boostsrap 4, Toad

  • Tools
  • Apache 2.4, MI, Bootstrap 4, Toad

Aplikasi JENA berfungsi untuk mengelolah project di lingkungan teluk lamong. Di aplikasi JENA memiliki fungsi mulai dari perencaaan project, registrsi project, progress project serta penagihan ada di aplikasi ini.Aplikasi JENA terintegrasi dengan aplikasi core SAP dalam system billing pembayran project.Dengan adanya aplikasi ini, pengelolahan projet di lingkungan teluk lamong dapat dilakukan dengan baik dan sesuai target project.

Aplikasi SIAP

PT.Pelabuhan Indonesia III (PELINDO III)

  • Front End

    PHP 5

    Back End

    PHP API , Oracle 19

  • Tools
  • Vue 2.6, Apache 2.4, MI, Boostsrap 4, Toad

Aplikasi SIAP berfungsi untuk mengelolah SDM dilingkungan PELINDO III dan terintegrasi dengan core aplikasi SAP. Dalam aplikasi SIAP ini pengelolahan SDM dilakukan mulai dari kenaikan pangkat,kenaikan gaji, tunjangan, perjalan dinas, mutasi dan pensiuan.Aplikasi SIAP merupakan brigde aplikasi, user menggunakan aplikasi ini kemudian data akan terintegrasi dengan core aplikasi SAP.


Technology Partner

Our undoubted success in this competitive market is due to the partnerships that we have established with leading technology providers. The following companies – listed in alphabetical order – have already become OGYA Solution partners:


Microfocus primarily specializes in a pure-play software and technology and OGYA takes advantage of its technology and tools for continues development, testing. OGYA also has much experience in supporting and giving excellence services with its technology to our customers.

Red Hat

Redhat provides open-source software products to the enterprise community, with open-source enterprise such as middleware, JBoss and virtualization. OGYA takes advantage of its technologies to deliver various solutions from Infrastructure to application development for OGYA’s customers.


Seeburger primarily specializes in EDI Software and positions itself as solution provider for B2B integration. OGYA as a system integrator company takes advantage of its Integration Platform to deliver Business solution to OGYAs’s customers.


Find your dream job at Ogya Tekno Nusantara

For anyone who interseted to join with OGYA Tekno Nusantara, please send your Curriculum Vitae to hrd@ogya.co.id


Contact Us


Jemur Sari Selatan 4/2G


+62 21 2128 3096/97 & +62 21 2128 3098

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